The goal of this Notebook is to parse the execl autolib historic file provided in you autolib account profil. I choose to show 3 different histogram: - time spent in the autolib - rent cost - the distances traveled (as the crow flies) Notebook developped by Olivier Dadoun (March 2015, Do not hesitate if you have any questions or comments Feel free to use, copy or modify this notebook

This is the only variable you need to hack ...

In [48]:
mon_historique = "historique-2015-03-13-22-22-28.xlsx"
#mon_historique ="Ben_historique-2015-03-30-13-31-25.xlsx"
In [49]:
import datetime
import xlrd
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
In [5]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
In [6]:
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from geopy.distance import vincenty
In [50]:
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(mon_historique,encoding_override="utf_16_le")
In [51]:
print wb.sheet_names()

In [52]:
sh = wb.sheet_by_name(u'Sheet')
In [53]:
day = sh.col_values(0)
date = sh.col_values(1)
time = sh.col_values(2)
xls_duration = sh.col_values(3)
name = sh.col_values(4)
street_departure = sh.col_values(5)
street_arrival = sh.col_values(6)
# column 7 is not important 
cost = sh.col_values(8)
In [54]:
#Due to stupid exel date !
#convert in python date more intelligent !
day_time = []
for i in range(1,len(xls_duration)):
    year, month, day, hour, minute, second = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(xls_duration[i], wb.datemode)
    split_date=date[i].replace("/"," ").split()
    py_date = datetime.datetime(int(split_date[2]), int(split_date[1]), int(split_date[0])\
                                , hour, minute, second)
In [55]:
minute_in_autolib = []
for i in range(len(day_time)):
    minute_in_autolib.append(day_time[i].hour*60. + day_time[i].minute)
In [56]:
geolocator = Nominatim()
location = geolocator.geocode("175 5th Avenue NYC",timeout=time_out)
distance = []
couple_data_arrival = []
couple_data_departure = []
for i in range(1,len(street_departure)):
    location_departure = geolocator.geocode(street_name_departure+","+city_name_departure,timeout=time_out)

    location_arrival = geolocator.geocode(street_name_arrival+","+city_name_arrival,timeout=time_out)
    if(location_departure != None and location_arrival != None and location_departure != location_arrival ):
        departure=(location_departure.latitude, location_departure.longitude)
        arrival=(location_arrival.latitude, location_arrival.longitude)
        distance.append(vincenty(departure, arrival).kilometers)
#        print street_name_departure,city_name_departure,"--",\
#        street_name_arrival,city_name_arrival,"---",vincenty(departure, arrival).kilometers
In [57]:
def stat(x):
    return sum(x), sum(x)/size(x)

f, axarr = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(15,6))
text="Quelques statistiques apres "+ str(size(minute_in_autolib))+" locations autolib."
plt.suptitle(text, size=16)
bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="0.5", alpha=0.75)

n, bins, patches = axarr[0].hist(minute_in_autolib, 50, facecolor='green', alpha=0.5)
axarr[0].set_title('Duree des locations')
axarr[0].set_ylabel('Nombre de fois')
text="Duree totale = %.2f mn\nMoyenne = %.2f mn par location"%stat(minute_in_autolib)
axarr[0].text(0.7*max(bins),0.85*max(n), text, ha="center", va="center", size=10, bbox=bbox_props)
n, bins, patches = axarr[1].hist(cost[1:], 50, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5)
axarr[1].set_title('Prix (abonnement mensuel non inclus)')
text="Depense totale des locations= %.2f euros\nMean = %.2f euros"%stat(cost[1:])
axarr[1].text(0.7*max(bins),0.85*max(n), text, ha="center", va="center", size=10, bbox=bbox_props)

n, bins, patches = axarr[2].hist(distance, 50, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5)
axarr[2].set_title("Distance parcourue (a vol d\'oiseau)")
text="Distance totale = %.2f km\nMoyenne = %.2f km par location"%stat(distance)
axarr[2].text(0.7*max(bins),0.85*max(n), text, ha="center", va="center", size=10, bbox=bbox_props)
output=mon_historique + ".pdf"
In [74]:
import gmaps
map = gmaps.heatmap(couple_data_departure,point_radius=10., \
                    max_intensity= 20,height='300px', width='600px')